The importance of Self-Care

We all know the importance of self-care, especially in the colder months when most of us are getting up for work in the dark, and finishing up in the dark. It’s a tough time of year for a lot of people, the lack of sunlight can have a profound effect on our mood and energy levels resulting in feelings of sadness and despair. But this doesn’t mean that you need to just accept that this is how it is during winter. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that typically occurs at the same time each year – most commonly during autumn and winter when daylight hours decrease. The symptoms of SAD can vary in severity but often include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. Individuals may experience low energy levels, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. Changes in appetite and sleep pattern are also common. 

Fortunately, there are several effective treatments and support options available for individuals with SAD, or generally just needing a bit of extra self-care at this time of year. Regular exercise, spending time outdoors during the daylight hours, maintaining a healthy diet, and practising relaxation techniques (meditation, yoga, tai chi) can all be beneficial. Building a support network of friends, family or specific support groups can also provide emotional support and encouragement during difficult times. 

Trying to fit in self-care while juggling a business, kids and the winter blues may sound like an impossible task, but doing something as simple as grounding (or earthing) everyday can drastically improve your mood and overall health. Grounding, or earthing, is a technique that reconnects you to the earth’s natural energy. It’s as simple as standing barefoot on the grass, sand or dirt, submerging yourself in a natural body of water, or using indoor grounding equipment. Studies show that grounding is associated with improvements to health and wellbeing, including:

  • Better cortisol levels, which positively impact sleep

  • Better immune response to injuries 

  • Reduction in overall stress levels 

  • Improvements in blood oxygenation, supporting cardiovascular health 

Finding a moment in your day to get outside, feel the warm sun on your face, and reconnect with the earth, can drastically improve your day, and your overall health. Remember, you need to look after YOU! Take a moment, step away from your busy life, and prioritise some self-care into your day. Which in turn will make it easier to run your business, and run after the kids. 


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